The laboratory has the infrastructure to perform a wide variety of heat and mass transfer experiments. Primary elements of the laboratory structure include:
A dedicated 176 kW (50 RT) chiller that supplies chilled brine to each test station at temperatures as low as -9.4°C (15°F). Up to 24 different heat transfer experiments over a wide range of temperatures can be conducted simultaneously.
HVAC Wind Tunnel
A 2.4 m3/s (5000 cfm) HVAC wind tunnel with temperature and humidity pre-conditioning for heating and cooling experiments of air-coupled heat and mass exchange in once-through, recirculation, and continuously variable blend modes.
Versatile Test Stations
Numerous thermal test stations, each with independent access to chilled brine, steam from a dedicated boiler, and electrical utilities enabling concurrent operation of up to 24 separate test facilities. Steam pressures up to 1825 kPa (250 psig) are available, enabling heat transfer tests at temperatures as high as 208°C (407°F).